Grassroots Post-Modernism: Remaking the Soil of Cultures
Madhu Suri Prakash Gustavo Esteva  
Grassroots Post-Modernism: Remaking the Soil of Cultures Image Cover
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Maison d'édition:Zed Books
Date de parution:1998-08-15
Dimensions:0.70 x 8.30 x 5.40 in
Date de l'ajout:2008-10-11
Appréciation:4.5 (2 voix)
Résumé: This remarkable book draws its inspiration from what its authors describe as the post-modern epic now unfolding at the grassroots. It portrays the ways in which the world’s social majorities are now escaping from the monoculture of a single global civilization and regenerating their own cultural and natural spaces. In so doing, they are challenging the three sacred cows of modernity--the idea, entrenched in globalization, that there is only one, universally valid way of understanding social reality; the exclusive and general validity of Western-defined notions of human; and the notion of the self-sufficient individual, as opposed to people-in-community, which has grotesquely transformed how we see the human condition. This is quite simply, a book which will transform how one sees the world--North and South.