Un blog qui s’éteint… ou se transforme

Vous me permettrez de m’adresser en anglais à ce blogger anglophone qui produisait un des carnets dans tout le web ayant les préoccupations les plus proches des miennes.

I’ve rather stalled on blogging over the past few weeks because I’m developing a new site, about which more shortly. I’m moving a lot of the items from here across, and planning more of the same…. uhhh, but pause a moment. Isn’t this a good time to get (with slight trepidation) some feedback? De : Designing for civil society / Before I move on – what’s been useful here?

Yes, David, I’ve read your posts and discovered your links with great pleasure and interest. Your fields of action were/are convergent to mine, so I hope your new site will continue these research-editorial lines. What did I like in your blog ? You were my principal contact with the numerous experiences in England (or should I say Great-Britain, or UK?) oriented toward democratic accessibility or against the digital gap… I discovered quite a few sites, like wich I sometime slightly introduced in my own blo (here, and there, for the recent ones). Looking back on the quality of the sources and sites you mostly included in your posts… as I said, I wish you’ll keep blogging, even if less intensively. Thanks David, and good luck in your new project !

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