Gilles en vrac… depuis 2002

climat et élections américaines

Trop tard pour que les candidats prennent des engagements ? Malgré une année record de température et de sécheresse, malgré une vitesse de fonte des glaces arctiques qui a surpris même les plus pessimistes, le changement climatique ne semble pas faire partie des préoccupations américaines. À moins que ce ne soient les pétrolières qui étouffent toute prise de position conséquente comme la National Rifle Association empêche tout questionnement intelligent sur la question des armes…

Our two presidential candidates have managed to slog through a summer of campaigning that carried them through the hottest month in U.S. history (July) and across a heartland enduring an epic drought.

As they talked, the Arctic melted at a speed that astonished even the most pessimistic climatologists. But it appeared they somehow hadn’t noticed—it was as if they’d acquired some special weatherproof coating. (…)

Just as the NRA has terrified politicians of talking sensibly about gun laws, so the fossil fuel industry has imposed an effective muzzle on discussions of carbon. [ the daily beast]

Faudra compter sur l’action de la société civile et non sur la société politique pour empêcher le massacre !

It’s simple math: we can burn 565 more gigatons of carbon dioxide and stay below 2°C of warming — anything more than that risks catastrophe for life on earth. The only problem? Fossil fuel corporations now have 2,795 gigatons in their reserves, five times the safe amount. And they’re planning to burn it all — unless we rise up to stop them. []



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